1. Do we play in the rain?
Yes, but the Didsbury Minor Soccer Board will determine if weather conditions are not favourable for the athletes to be out on the field and an email will be sent out to inform parents. Coaches also have discretion of whether a practice or game is cancelled and will email you in advance. Cancellation emails will be sent out by 5:30 p.m. on the day of the game/practice. 

Please keep in mind that we follow Alberta Soccer Association guideline of "If thunder roars, go indoors". Once thunder is present, teams need to wait 30 minutes from the last sound of thunder or flash of lightning in order to go back onto the fields. 

2. How long is the season?
Our Spring Outdoor Season begins in the middle to late April, depending on the weather and state of the fields. The season ends the last week of June, but ages U11 and up may extend into July for make up games or playoffs.  

3. What are registration fees? 
Please refer to the Age Groups & Fees page.

4. What equipment is required?

  • Shin guards
  • Soccer socks that cover the shin guards
  • Shorts (no zippers, pockets or buttons)
  • Soccer cleats (good running shoes are acceptable for U5)

Sweaters/jackets with hoods are not permitted. Absolutely no jewelry can be worn while playing (no taping allowed). All jewelry must be removed or you will not be permitted to play.

5. Do players keep their jerseys?
U5 to U9 age groups keep their Timbits jerseys. All other jerseys are club property and are required to be returned at the end of the season.

6. How old does my child need to be in order to play soccer?
Players must be turn at least 4 years old in 2025. 

7. Is there opportunities to volunteer with Didsbury Minor Soccer?
Yes, you can volunteer either as a coach or serve on our Board of Directors.

  • For information about coaching, please visit the Coaches webpage found on main menu. 
  • We currently have open positions on our Board of Directors. To get involved right away, please contact President Justin Tersteeg at didsburysoccer@gmail.com. Alternatively, you can attend our annual general meeting in November and put your name forward to serve on the Board at that time.  

8. Can I coach if I have no experience coaching or playing soccer?
Yes, please go to the Coaches page for information about coaching. 

9. How do I know who my child's coach is?
You will receive an email with the coach's information by the end of April.

10. Who do I contact if I am having conflict with my child's coach and/or team?
Please see the conflict resolution guide in the resources.

11. Can my child play in the Didsbury league if we live in a different community?
Yes. If a player resides in another town/area but chooses to play in Didsbury, you can register with the Didsbury Minor Soccer Association. 

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