
To have a successful soccer season, Didsbury Minor Soccer (DMSA) needs the help of parents, guardians, family members, and friends to serve as volunteer coaches.

  • Per Canada Soccer's Rule to Two, each team requires two coaches (one male and one female for co-ed teams) and as such, we are always in need of coaches. We prefer to have 3-4 coaches per team so that there is coverage if a coach is unavailable on certain days. 
  • No background in soccer or coaching is required for the U5, U7, or U9 age groups.  
  • We support our coaches through approved training programs and grassroots instruction. 

Volunteer coaches will receive:

  • The opportunity to participate in a coaches clinic.
  • Reimbursement of any training costs that have been recommended by DMSA.
  • A manual of suggested drill activities for your age group.
  • Support from the division's coach coordinator.
  • All necessary equipment including balls, cones, nets, etc.

Compensation for coaches:

  • Coaching is a volunteer role but we recognize the personal contribution of each coach with a $50 cash gift at the end of the season, contingent on the coach completing the season. 

What are the requirements to coach?

Canada Soccer and the Alberta Soccer Association set out expectations for training of coaches. The key thing to remember is you don't have to be an experienced soccer player! If you coach other youth sports, it's possible you have already completed some of the requirements.

Minimum Requirements for all Age Divisions 

Requirement Time Involved Cost Note / Link
1. Register with the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) 5 mins Free Register for your NCCP #
This allows any training you complete to be linked to your NCCP account.  
2. Complete Alberta's Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders 2.5 hours
(we reimburse you)
Start the online course
If you have coached other sports, you may have already completed this. 
3. Obtain a vulnerable sector check by the RCMP Drop the letter
at the RCMP detachment 
Free Email for the letter to take to the RCMP. 
We will accept an existing report if it is less than three years old.
4. Register as a coach in our RAMP registration system 3 mins Free Register now
Use the same login you used to register your child for soccer. Once logged in, select "Coach/Staff Registration". 

Additional Requirements to Coach U11 - U15

The U11-U15 teams complete against other teams in the Big Country Soccer Association region and have the opportunity to compete in provincials. This requires coaches to meet a higher standard for training. DMSA strives to have at least one coach per team to have completed all of the following requirements. 

U11-U13 Division

Training Format Time Involved Cost Register
 Canada Soccer Grassroots Education - Learn to Train Online
On-field workshop
2 hours
4 hours
$31   Complete the online component ASAP so you are
eligible for the in-person workshop when scheduled.  
NCCP Understanding the Rule of Two Online 20 mins Free  On demand in the NCCP Locker
NCCP Make Ethical Decisions Online 3.5 hours   Select a date hosted by Alberta Sport
NCCP Making Headway in Sport - Concussion Awareness Online 1. 5 hour Free On demand in the NCCP Locker
NCCP Emergency Action Plan Online 15 mins Free On demand in the NCCP Locker

U15 Division 

Training Format Time Involved Cost Register
 Canada Soccer Grassroots Education - Soccer for Life Online
On-field workshop
2 hours
4 hours
$31   Complete the online component ASAP so you are
eligible for the in-person workshop when scheduled.  
NCCP Understanding the Rule of Two Online 20 mins Free  On demand in the NCCP Locker
NCCP Make Ethical Decisions Online 3.5 hours   Select dates hosted by Alberta Sport
NCCP Making Headway in Sport - Concussion Awareness Online 1. 5 hour Free On demand in the NCCP Locker
NCCP Emergency Action Plan Online 15 mins Free On demand in the NCCP Locker


Recommended (but not required) Training to Coach U5 - U9

U5 Division

Training Format Time Involved Cost Register
 Canada Soccer Grassroots Education - Active Start Online
On-field workshop
1.5 hours
2 hours
$21   Complete the online component ASAP so you are
eligible for the in-person workshop when scheduled.  

U7 and U9 Divisions

Training Format Time Involved Cost Register
 Canada Soccer Grassroots Education - FUNdamentals Online
On-field workshop
1.5 hours
2 hours
$21   Complete the online component ASAP so you are
eligible for the in-person workshop when scheduled.  
NCCP Understanding the Rule of Two Online 20 mins Free  On demand in the NCCP Locker
NCCP Make Ethical Decisions Online 3.5 hours   Select dates hosted by Alberta Sport
NCCP Making Headway in Sport - Concussion Awareness Online 1. 5 hour Free On demand in the NCCP Locker
NCCP Emergency Action Plan Online 15 mins Free On demand in the NCCP Locker


Will I be reimbursed for my training costs?

Yes! Didsbury Minor Soccer will reimburse coaches for all fees paid for the above training. To seek reimbursement, email your receipt to Chief Coach Coordinator, Darren Reedy, at  

Do I have to complete this training every year I coach?

No. If you have already completed a course, you don't need to do it again. 

Is there an opportunity to meet other coaches and ask questions?

Yes, we will be hosting a coaches information session on April 24, 2025 at 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Details will be emailed to all volunteer coaches and parents who might be interested. 

How do I sign up to coach?

If you are interested in coaching, please take the following steps:

  1. Register for an NCCP # (see minimum requirements above). 
  2. Register as a coach through our RAMP registration system.
    1. Use the same login you used when registering your child for soccer.
    2. Once you are logged in, select Coach/Staff Registration, select the division you want to coach, and select either Head Coach or Assistant Coach.
  3. Email DMSA's Chief Coach Coordinator, Darren Reedy, at to express your interest.
  4. Email for the letter to obtain a vulnerable sector check and take it to the RCMP detachment. Complete this as early as possible because the RCMP may take a few weeks to complete the check. Once complete, submit the report to the Didsbury Minor Soccer Chief Coach Coordinator, Darren Reedy at
  5. Complete the required Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders online course (see minimum requirements above). 
  6. If you are coaching U5, U7, or U9, consider completing any of the recommended training (details above). 
  7. If you are coaching U11, U13, or U15, please complete the required training (details above). If you do not have the capacity/interest in completing all of the required training for your division, please discuss with the Chief Coach Coordinator, Darren Reedy.
  8. Block your calendar on April 24, 2025 at 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. so you can attend an information session for all coaches. 

Any questions about coaching may be directed to

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